Would You Pay 250$ for a Sex Toy

Chai Steeves
3 min readMar 5, 2023

In a world where a vibrator can run for anything between 25 and 1,000 dollars, how do you choose?

Photo by Lovense Toys on Unsplash

I recently read about a $1 million vibrator a UK jeweler made. It’s encrusted with diamonds and has a crown on top — very regal.

On a more relatable spectrum, I’ve been seeing many new sex toy products landing in the $200–350 range. I’ll admit to my wife and I owning a few like this, and it certainly makes you think about whether it’s worth the investment.

I can remember our first sex toy. A very cheap bullet vibe that we paid probably $10 for at a sleazy sex shop. It seemed pretty good at the time, but in retrospect, it was super ghetto and very sub-par.

When we graduated to nicer sex toys, it felt like a game changer. Our first Lelo vibrator and cock ring felt so luxurious. The things it could do and the feel of the material — are fantastic.

So, all this to say, even through our own experience, I see the benefit of more expensive sex toys. But is it worth it? For many, $200–300 is a lot of money, especially considering you likely want a few different toys. I’ll admit — we felt a little guilty the first time we walked out of a higher-end sex shop with more than $500 worth of product. We were, like, shouldn’t we be buying things for our kids, lol?



Chai Steeves

eclectic guy - likes sexuality, politics, business, relationships, celebrity trivia...