The Magical Time for Magic Mushrooms

Chai Steeves
2 min readFeb 25, 2023

part 1 in a series exploring the trending we’re seeing magic mushroom use

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

I was at a work dinner earlier this week with some high-powered individuals working in corporate finance. So imagine my surprise when one of the group’s leaders mentioned that her cousin — an Indigenous person — had developed a blend of psychedelic and functional mushrooms and had been using them to help treat people in her community with depression and anxiety.

She said her kids had tried the blend, and the results were fantastic. A daughter who had been out of school for six months is back. Another who had been experimenting with self-harm feels heeled.

And while these mushrooms would be considered — are — illegal, she spoke about it openly at a table filled with lawyers and politicians.

On a similar note, my daughter — my ultra-straight-laced, engineering student kid — recently read the book ‘How To Change Your Mind’ — detailing the knows science of psychedelics, including MDMA, mushrooms, and LSD. As a result, she is now slightly obsessed with mushrooms, and while she hasn’t tried them yet, I suspect she will at some point in the near future.

And to top it off, my wife and I were walking downtown the other day and passed a store advertising magic mushrooms for sale in the heart of the market. We went in…



Chai Steeves

eclectic guy - likes sexuality, politics, business, relationships, celebrity trivia...