Does Anything Remain Sexually Deviant?

Chai Steeves
2 min readAug 26, 2024

In an age of sexual exploration, are there any remaining ‘no-go’s?

As my inbox fills with announcements of ‘Anal August’ and free porn offers, I am sometimes left wondering whether the mystique and deviance of sexual experimentation has all but left the station.

I’m not saying that the no longer taboos. Non-consensual sex or sex with minors is, of course, still forbidden for all the moral reason it always has been.

But what I am wondering is whether there remains anything — between consenting adults — that passes the test of deviance anymore?

I can remember — barely — a time when oral sex was pretty taboo. And I can certainly remember when anything associated with sex and the ass was a pretty risqué move. Today, oral and anal are considered pretty standard and more eyebrows are raised when these acts are denied, rather than on the menu.

I still feel that certain elements of waterspouts (pee play) still meets the standards of deviance, but even this I am beginning to doubt. As someone intrigued by that kink, I am a little surprised with the ho-hum reaction I often get when I categorize it as ‘a little out there’.

Porn has, as we all know, introduced almost any and every sexual act into our daily email, Twitter and SnapChat feeds. It’s hard to be shocked but any act that comes across our daily feed each morning as we sip our coffee.



Chai Steeves

eclectic guy - likes sexuality, politics, business, relationships, celebrity trivia...