Are Kids Getting Sexually Adventurous Too Early?

Chai Steeves
3 min readJun 15, 2022

It’s great that kids are embracing their sexuality but does it get them in over their heads?

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

My wife, daughter, and I were having a family brunch a couple of weekends ago with another family. As we were leaving the restaurant, out of the blue, their 16-year-old daughter asked, ‘what do you guys all think of threesomes?’

Her mom quickly said that would be a discussion for another time, but we — the adults — talked about it that evening over drinks. Their daughter has dated the same guy for about a year but recently developed a crush on another girl, so she was wondering how she might explore that with her. Her solution, to stay faithful to her boyfriend and indulge her new interest, was a threesome.

This led to an interesting discussion on whether kids explore these pretty advanced sexual and relationship dynamics a little earlier than they are ready.

Our daughter is not dissimilar, having unabashedly asked for a sex toy when she was 14 years old and speaking with us quite openly about her sexual experiences with female friends and girlfriends.

With all the ‘knowledge’ kids are gaining through porn and social media, there are few sexual mysteries left. I can honestly say that, at 16, I was unsure if threesomes were real. I had certainly never seen a movie or…



Chai Steeves

eclectic guy - likes sexuality, politics, business, relationships, celebrity trivia...